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Combined load balancing and energy efficiency in Hadoop
Tian, Wenhong1,2; Li, Guozhong1; Chen, Yu1; Huang, Chaojie1; Yang, Wutong1
摘要Hadoop clusters are widely used in enterprises and research institutions but there are few tools in Hadoop to dynamically load balance and improve the energy efficiency. A dynamic load balancing method with negative feedback was developed for a dynamic management system for Hadoop systems and tested using classic Hadoop benchmark examples. This method reduces the total idle time of the Hadoop nodes by 25% and reduces energy consumption by 14% on average compared with other algorithms by improving the load balancing through reducing the load variations by 10%. © 2016, Tsinghua University Press. All right reserved.
发表期刊Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University